Red-lining, or "track changes," lets users suggest additions and deletions to contract text. Another user has to "approve" the edit before it becomes part of the document.
Who can suggest, approve and reject edits?
Anyone shared on a contract with "Proposer" user permission level or higher.
How do I suggest a change?
Click on any contract section (paragraph) you want to edit. An editing window opens, and any changes added or removed will create a red line if "Redline" is toggled on:
Redlining is toggled on by default for all users, and Proposers cannot toggle it off. This means that all changes Proposers make create red-lines. Editors and Owners can toggle redlining off in order to make changes without creating red-lines.
When red-lines are toggled on, deleting creates red text with a strike-through line; adding results in green text. Press the "Save" button to confirm that you want to suggest these changes (otherwise, click on your edit and press "undo").
Once you click "Save," your edits will be open for approval or rejection by other contract users with Proposer permission or higher.
What if I accidentally sign before a red-line is resolved?
E-signing is not be enabled until all edits are resolved. The signature field will display "Resolve all issues before signing."
Are parties notified each time I make a change?
Only if you toggle "Notify" on. Notify is toggled off by default. Other contract users will see you have made a change because the document updates in real time, but if you want to notify others via email when you make a change toggle Notify on.
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