What is a conditional clause?
Conditional clause are portions of a document that appear only if conditions determined ahead of time are met, for example. If a variable is a specific value, then show a specific clause.
Why Use Conditionals?
Setting conditionals ensures that all contract language is accurate and relevant without having to manually edit. Therefore allowing you to streamline your template library.
How Conditionals Work
Conditional sections appear when a predetermined response is supplied for a specific dynamic variable. We'll call this variable the "determining variable" because it determines whether the conditional content appears or not.
Your determining variable can be any variable type except an image or table within Outlaw.
Set Conditional Sections
Conditionals are set at the template level, which means they are defined before a new document is created. Once conditions are set for a template, all new contracts created from this template include the intended behavior.
- In a template, identify the section you want to set one or more conditions for. Click on the section to select it, then navigate to the Conditions section under Clause.
- Select the determining variable from the Conditions dropdown.
- Select the Criteria for the determining variable. Criteria will vary depending on your determining variable type
- Determine the Appropriate Scope for Determining Variable
To update conditions applied to a section, select different responses (check boxes); your changes will be saved automatically.
Conditions Based on Multiple Variables
Conditions can be based on more than one determining variable. In that case, a second determining variable, could be identified by selecting a new variable from the drop down menu and setting an appropriate response for this second variable.
Complex Conditions
When using multiple variables to determine conditions on a section, you can also look to use complex conditions to allow for both AND or OR logic amongst variables. To use Complex Conditions, first toggle on the Complex conditions toggle within the Conditionals window.
Next, with complex conditionals, you can select whether or not you want to group your conditional variables and whether you would like them to be AND or OR logic within/outside of that group.
Non Grouped: In this example, we are looking to include an additional variable of Governing State
along with our Designated Human
variable. You will notice instead of selecting to add a variable within the same box as Designated Human, we create a new condition outside of that box for State and apply either the AND or OR logic.
New Condition: Show paragraph when (Designated Human is one of [Sibling, Parent, Cousin]) OR (Governing State is one of [Alabama, Alaska])
With this logic, our paragraph will show if either one of these statements is met.
Grouped: In this example, we wish to group our Designated Human
variable with our Fun Assessment
variable and also add in a variable for State
outside of this grouping.
To Note: Within a singular group, only AND or OR may be used amongst those variables |
We would want to add in our Fun Assessment
variable within the same box as our Designated Human
variable in order to group these. Within this grouping, we can choose whether we want the two variables to be AND or OR conditions.
New Condition: Show paragraph when...
- ((Designated Human is one of [Sibling, Parent, Cousin]) AND (Fun Assessment is one of [some fun, an above average level of fun, probably the most fun anyone has ever had]))
2. (Governing State is one of [Alabama, Alaska])
Our paragraph in this case would only show if the both conditions in our group are met, because it is an AND grouping, AND if the Governing State condition is met.
Remove Condition from a Section
To remove a condition, click the trash
icon to delete this conditional setting:
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