This article explains bulk management of users on a group of contracts.
Typically, users are shared on contracts over the course of a deal process in the Manage Users panel. But there are times when adding and removing users and/or updating permissions on numerous contracts at once is very useful, such as:
- Quickly transferring contracts when one employee is taking over another's job responsibilities
- Upgrading or downgrading a user's permission level on all or a subset of contracts
- Providing access to a group of contracts for a user who is not involved in the deal process but carries out a particular reporting/analysis function at a given time
Bulk Contract Section
Navigate to your Contracts tab to bulk manage users and permissions.
Then, select any number of contracts (up to 50 at a time) using the check boxes next to each contract in your repository (or the "select all" check box at upper left):
TIP: Depending on how many contracts you are sharing at a time and how many you have in your repository, it can be very helpful to start by using search and filtering features to isolate the contracts whose users you are looking to update, before beginning to check your boxes.
Once you've selected all relevant contracts, click the purple text that says how many contracts are currently selected and find "Manage Users" in the drop down list:
NOTE: If the option "Manage Users" is grayed out and cannot be clicked, this is because you are not an Owner on all selected contracts. You must be an Owner of all contracts selected for bulk management.
Click "Manage Users" to open the bulk user management modal:
Manage Existing Users
The left side of the modal displays users who are currently shared on all selected deals. If a user has the same permission on all deals (ex. Viewer) this permission will be shown next to their name. If they have different roles across all selected deals, their permission will show as "Various."
For existing users you can do the following:
Update their permission (raise or lower/standardize if Various) in the drop-down menu next to their name
Remove them entirely from all selected contracts by clicking the three dots next to their name and selecting "Remove"
Add New Users
The right hand side of the modal displays a list of Team members. Team members already shared on selected deals are grayed out because they are already shared on these deals.
Teammates who are not yet shared on all selected deals can be added to all selected contracts by tapping their name in the list:
When a user's name is tapped, they appear on the left hand side of the modal. From here, you can set their permission (ex. Editor) on all selected deals in the drop-down menu next to their name:
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