This article discusses how contract Owners can set role and permission levels to determine how other users may interact with a contract on Outlaw.
Note that only contract Owners can make these selections. The person who creates a contract is its Owner. A contract Owner can grant other users Owner-level permission, but should do so selectively.
Contract Users Panel
Contract "users" are people authorized to view and/or modify a document. Users are listed in the Contract Users Panel, which opens at upper right of the contract screen:
Each user has two drop down menus beneath their name: one for selecting user "role" and the other for selecting user "permission" level.
Select User Role
User role refers to whether a user is a signer on a contract. Select user role from the first drop down menu beneath a user's name.
People who will not sign a contract should have the option "None (not a signer)" selected to indicate that they are not signing the document:
If a user will sign the contract, select the Party they will sign on behalf of from this drop down menu. For example, if an agreement includes two parties, "Company" and "Other Party," and you want to identify a given user as the signer for "Company" set the user's role as "Company":
NOTE: If a Party is selected from this first drop down menu, this user will be able to e-sign the document on behalf of their Party, regardless of any other permission level selected from the second drop down menu (see below).
Set User Permission Level
The second drop down menu beneath a user's name controls their permission level, which determines the level of access they have to modify and share the document. The user permissions levels are as follows:
Viewer - Can view a contract. **This permission level is only displayed as an option for users whose role is "None (not a signer)" and this is the default permission level for such users.**
Signer - Can view a contract, edit personal/party information (name, title, etc.) and sign on behalf of Party, but cannot edit or propose any other changes. **This permission level is only displayed as an option for users whose role has a Party selected and this is the default permission level for such users. This level can be raised higher (ex. to Proposer or Editor) and this user will still be able to e-sign!
Proposer - Can propose changes to a contract (create red-lines) and can approve/reject red-lines created by others.
Editor - Has global editing permission on a contract (may fill in all dynamic elements and edit all static text).
Owner - Has global editing ability (may fill in all dynamic elements and edit all static text) and can assign and manage roles/permissions for other users.
There are lots of combinations of user roles/permissions, so it can be helpful to look at a few examples:
If a user should be able to e-sign for a Party and edit all contract language, set permission like this:
Set like this, the user can only sign:
Set like this, the user will not be able to sign for either party, but may propose changes to contract language:
Set like this, the user will not be able to sign for either party, but may edit all contract language and set roles/permissions for other users:
Automatic Role/Permission Selection
There are a couple of ways users may be added to a contract automatically, and in these cases their user roles/permissions are also assigned automatically:
- When a Party element is filled in, user is automatically added to contract as a "Signer" for their corresponding Party. For example:
- When the Auto-Include is enabled, contracts generate with specified teammates added as users, with pre-selected role and permissions applied.
Remember: any user role or permission that is automatically assigned as described above can be manually adjusted using the drop down menus below the user's name!
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