Dashboard reports are "snapshots" that help you keep track of defined sub-sets of deals in your contract repository.
You might create a dash report to track deals that are expiring soon, to keep on top of deals reaching important milestones such as awaiting counter-signature, to closely monitor the terms of high-value contracts, or simply to display all the deals for a specific Team.
Whatever the reason, dashboard reports serve as shortcuts to lists of contracts that meet certain criteria your team has defined as important to keep track of.
Create new dashboard report
Start With a Saved Filter
Dashboard reports are based on previously-created "saved filters" so if you don't have any of those yet, start here to learn how to create your first saved filter.
If you have at least one saved filter, start in the Dashboard tab and click "New Report."
TIP: Make sure to select the correct Team (or "My Dashboard" as applicable) from the drop-down menu to select the filter to base your report on:
Click "New Report" and then in the configuration screen, select a saved filter from the drop down menu to base the report on.
Customize Dashboard Report
After selecting a filter, you can customize the report in several ways.
First, you can update the title of the report. This title will appear above the report in your dashboard, so it is a good idea to create a title that accurately summarizes the data contained in the report, for example "NDAs Expiring in 90 Days."
Next, select the display configuration. The "Default" configuration displays a preview of the full list of contracts contained in the saved filter the report is based on:
If you select this configuration option, you can further customize the report by selecting up to four columns to display in the report. Available columns include deal attributes such as Title and deal phase Status, Parties, and any contract variable.
Alternatively, selecting the "Pipeline Totals" configuration option will display the total number of contracts meeting saved filter criteria broken down by Outlaw pipeline deal phase:
After clicking "Create report," your new report appears in your dashboard.
Remember, the report is just a snapshot of a larger saved filter, so if you want to see more information contained in the report simply click "View all" to view the full saved filter in your Contracts list:
Who can see my report?
If you created the report in "My Dashboard" the report will only be visible to you. If you are a "core" user (team role Editor or Owner) and you created the report in one of your teams, the report will be visible to all teammates.
Since there may be contracts contained in a saved filter that are not shared with all teammates, those teammates will be able to see the contract listed in the report but will not be able to open individual deals they aren't shared on.
In this case, if an unshared teammate clicks "View all" to see all deals in the saved filter, a lock icon appears to the right of any deal the user isn't shared on:
This allows all teammates to view key data contained in a report without giving them direct access to deals they aren't currently shared on.
If a teammate needs more information about a particular deal in the report that they don't currently have access to, they can click the lock icon to "request access" to the deal from the contract owner.
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