Create a Filter
Creating a filter means identifying criteria for sorting through all of the deals in your contract repository, in order to quickly locate an important sub-set of these deals.
Recall that your contract repository (or contract "inbox") lists all of the deals you have access to on Outlaw. When you want to quickly access an important sub-set of these deals (say, for example, NDAs expiring within the next three months), you can apply filters one by one in the contract filtering panel, including:
Deal Status
Templates (and then further filter by variables within a template)
Note: You must select a Team in order for your templates to show up in the Templates drop down.
Variables capture the data you count on
Outlaw lets you capture the data that leads to actionable insights for your team.
It all starts with the dynamic variables contained in your contract templates. Variables defined by your team at the template level are filled in during contract set up to instantly collect thee key pieces of information. For example, this "expiration date" variable captures the date each contract is set to expire:
Since this variable has been defined at the template level, every time you fill out a new contract generated from this template, you are capturing this important piece of information (expiration date).
Create and save filters to convert data into actionable insight!
To put the data you're collecting to use, create a saved filter to keep the information you need at your fingertips.
For example, let's say you want to keep track of NDAs expiring within three months. Your "expiration date" variable has been capturing this data all along, so now all you have to do is filter contracts according to the relevant criteria.
To do this, first select the appropriate template in the contract filtering panel. Then click on the variable you want to target, and set the appropriate filtering parameters:
In this example, the filter is based on the following relevant criteria:
Template is "Mutual NDA";
Target variable is "expiration date"; and
Filtering parameters are "Is dynamic" and "Next 90 days".
Optionally, you can combine this search with other filters such as Deal Status or Party.
Then click the purple "Save" button to save your filter.
Saving a filter means that you won't have to keep selecting these criteria each time you want to see this data; you can simply select the saved filter any time you want to see contracts that fall within it:
The filter auto-updates in real time, so whenever a new contract hits the criteria defined in the filter it is automatically added to the result list.
Set Filter Visibility
After clicking "Save," name the filter something descriptive, such as "NDAs Expiring 90 Days" and select the "visibility" of your filter.
Choosing "Just me" means that this filter will only be available to you, while choosing "Share with team" make this filter immediately available to your teammates--and, if you are the team Owner, allows you to create a dashboard report based on this filter that will be visible to the entire team.
Note: If you filtered by a Team, then you can only share the report with that specific team. Clear your Team selection if you need to share with a different team.
How do I decide whether to share with team or not?
The major consideration here is whether you want to create a team-wide dashboard report based on this saved filter. Since this action (creation of team-wide dashboard reports) is only available to team Owners, if you are NOT a team Owner in most cases you'll choose "Just me."
Non-Owners can still create dashboard reports for themselves; these reports just won't be visible to other teammates, while Owners can create team-wide reports that are visible to all teammates.
Take the next step with dashboard reports!
After saving a filter, you've got what you need to create a dashboard report, which displays the contracts in your saved filtered in a convenient, attractive snapshot.
These reports are created, configured, and displayed in the Dashboard tab of your Outlaw account. To learn how to create a dashboard report, click here.
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